Hour 34 Ayurveda

Kapha Prakriti

Ticket Hour 34 Online Yoga Life

CategoryCharacteristic features of Kapha Prakriti
Physical traits   
Body FrameLarge, heavy, solid, well-built, with a tendency to gain weight easily
Skin                Thick, oily, smooth, soft, cool, often pale or fair
HairThick, lustrous, oily, wavy, typically dark-colored
Nails               Strong, large, smooth, well-formed
EyesLarge, calm, moist, often dark-colored (brown or black)
Hands & Feet        Large, soft, cool to the touch
Body Temperature    Cool, dislikes cold and damp environments
VoiceDeep, calm, melodious, slow, and measured
AppetiteModerate but steady, doesn’t require frequent meals
Digestion           Slow, steady, but prone to sluggishness and heaviness
Sleep    Deep, long, and undisturbed
Stamina  Excellent endurance, sustained over long periods
Movement    Slow, steady, graceful, and deliberate
Mental Traits   
Thought Process     Slow, methodical, steady, practical, and thoughtful
Memory   Warm, friendly, empathetic, enjoy long-term, stable relationships
Focus  Very good concentration, steady and persistent
Emotions Excellent long-term memory learns slowly but retains well
Decision Making     Deliberate, thoughtful, and cautious; tends to take time before acting
Learning     Slow to learn but retains information well, thorough understanding
CreativityPractical, grounded creativity, often expressed in nurturing or supportive ways
Social Interaction  Regular but slow eaters may indulge in overeating due to emotional comfort
Behavioral Traits   
Reaction to Stress  Tends to withdraw, become lethargic or complacent when stressed
Lifestyle PreferencesPrefers stable, comfortable, familiar routines, dislikes change
Sleep Patterns      Deep, long sleep, wakes up feeling heavy if overslept
Adaptability Slow to adapt, prefers steady environments, resists sudden changes
Work Style          Strong, resilient, tend to get sick less often but may take longer to recover
Health Concerns   
Common Health IssuesWeight gain, fluid retention, sinus congestion, sluggish digestion
Immune System       Regular but slow eater may indulge in overeating due to emotional comfort
Energy Fluctuations Slow to fatigue, maintains stable energy throughout the day
Disease Tendencies  Conditions related to excess heaviness, coldness, and congestion, such as obesity, diabetes, and respiratory issues
Dietary Preferences 
Taste Preferences   Craves spicy, bitter, and astringent tastes to counteract heaviness and cold
Dislikes     Sweet, salty, and heavy foods, which aggravate sluggishness
Eating Habits       Calm, patient, nurturing, and compassionate, but can be prone to complacency or possessiveness if imbalanced
General Strength   
Physical Strength   High physical strength, endurance, and resilience
Life Span   
Longevity       Tends to have a long lifespan if excess weight and stagnation are managed
Sexual Drive        Steady, consistent, nurturing but can be slow to express passion
Overall Energy Levels   
Energy Levels       Stable, long-lasting energy, but may become sluggish if inactive or overindulged
Emotional Tendencies   
Emotional Stability Extremely stable, grounded, calm, but can become lethargic or overly attached
General Mood        Calm, patient, and compassionate, but can become possessive or overly attached
Relationships  Steady, methodical, reliable, often excel in supportive roles