Hour 77 Patanjali’s Yog Sutra – Sadhan Pada Part IV


वितर्कबाधने प्रतिपक्षभावनम्॥३३॥

Vitarkabādhane pratipakṣabhāvanam||33||

वितर्क           vitarka                    troublesome thoughts

बाधने      badhne –   inhibited by

प्रतिपक्ष     pratipaksa – contrary, thoughts or principles

भावनम्     bhavanam – cultivate

Refers that – If troubled by perverse thoughts, there should be habituation to the contrary.



स्थिर      sthira – steady, stable

सुखम्      sukham – comfort, ease

आसनम्     asanam – posture

Refers that – Posture should be steady and comfortable



प्रयत्न      prayatna – effort

शैथिल्य          saithilya– by relaxing

अनन्त      ananta – infinite

समापत्तिभ्याम् samapattibhyam –by focusing attention on any object

Refers that – by relaxation of efforts and by total absorption of oneself in to a steady object, posture is mastered.


ततो द्वन्द्वानभिघातः॥४८॥

Tato dvandvānabhighātaḥ||48||

तत:       tatah– then

द्वन्द्व: dvandvah – the pairs of opposites

अनभिघातः  anabhighatah – unimpeded freedom from suffering

Refers that – Then there is cessation of disturbance from the pair of opposites.

तस्मिन्सति श्वासप्रश्वासयोर्गतिविच्छेदः प्राणायामः॥४९॥

Tasminsati śvāsapraśvāsayorgativicchedaḥ prāṇāyāmaḥ||49||

तस्मिन     tasmin – upon that

सति       sati – being accomplished

श्वास       svasa – inhalation

प्रश्वासयो    prasvasayoh – exhalation

गति       gati – of the uncontrolled movements

विच्छेदः    vicchedah – slowing softening

प्राणायामः   pranayamah – regulation of breath.

Refers that – When asana has been secured there follows, control of bio-energy, in the inspiration and expiration.


ततः क्षीयते प्रकाशावरणम्॥५२॥

Tataḥ kṣīyate prakāśāvaraṇam||52||

ततः       tatah – then, from that

क्षीयते      ksiyate – destroyed

प्रकाश      prakasa – light

वरणम्     avaranam – covering

Refers that – As a result of this the veil covering the light is destroyed.

धारणासु च योग्यता मनसः॥५३॥

Dhāraṇāsu ca yogyatā manasaḥ||53||

धारणासु    dharanasu – for concentration

 च       ca – and

योग्यता     yogyata – preparedness, capability

मनसः      manasah – mind

Refers that –The mind becomes fit for Dharna.


स्वविषयासम्प्रयोगे चित्तस्य स्वरूपानुकार इवेन्द्रियाणां प्रत्याहारः॥५४॥

Svaviṣayāsamprayoge cittasya svarūpānukāra ivendriyāṇāṁ pratyāhāraḥ||54||

स्वविषय    svavisaya – their own subject

सम्प्रयोगे    asamprayoge – not coming into contact with

चित्तस्य          cittasya – of the personality complex

स्वरूपानुकार svarupanukarah – resembles from own nature

इव        iva – like

इन्द्रियाणां   indriyanam – mental organs

प्रत्याहारः   pratyaharah – withdrawal of the senses.

Refers that – Abstraction is that, by which the senses do not come into contact with their objects, and follows as it were, the nature of the Chitta.