Chapter 51


Mid-July to Mid-September

  • Varsha Rtucharya  refers to the seasonal regimen during the monsoon (Varsha Rtu).
  • In this rainy season, the Agni is diminished further following the summer season and gets vitiated by doshas therefore making the body susceptible to various diseases.
  • The doshas get aggrevated because of thick clouds accumulated with water, snow, dew  and dirty water because of the rain, sourness in the ground and the warmth of the earth.
  • All the general measures to mitigate the aggrevated doshas and improve the digestive fire should be adopted.
  • Dietary modifications
  • Use of old grains, soup of pulses, boiled water should be used.
  • Use light, warm, and easily digestible meals to support the weakened Agni.
  • Incorporate sour and salty foods to counter the vitiation of Vata and support digestion. Use fresh buttermilk with rock salt and lemon-based preparations in moderation.
  • On days without sunlight, the food should be sour, salty, dry mixed with honey and easily digestible.
  • Warm beverages : Drink warm water, herbal teas (such as ginger tea), and decoctions of herbs like dry ginger, pepper, and cumin to support digestion.
  • Moderate consumption of fats : A small amount of ghee or sesame oil can help pacify Vata without overwhelming digestion.
  • Life style modifications
  • Always wear warm clothes to protect from the cold and damp environment. Avoid getting drenched in the rain as it can lead to Vata aggravation.
  • Keep your living space dry and clean. Fumigation with herbs like neem, Acorus calamus, and resin is advised to prevent infections.
  • Herbal  smoking (Dhoomapana)  is recommended to prevent respiratory issues caused by humidity.
  • To be avoided
  • Since the Agni is weak, avoid heavy or strenuous exercise. Opt for mild physical activity like yogaor light walking to maintain movement and circulation.
  • Avoid going out in barefoot, always use vehicles and stay in clean and warm places.
  • Avoid consuming river water, day sleep, non-vegetarian, sweet and cold foods.
  • Avoid exposure to cold water and cold air.