Adharaneeya Vega refers to the natural physiological urges that the body generates to expel waste or fulfill specific functions. These urges are considered non-suppressible, meaning that they must be addressed immediately to avoid potential harm to the body.
Non – suppressible urges (Adharaneeya Vega)
These 13 urges are considered Adharaneeya and should not be suppressed, as doing so can lead to various diseases and imbalances in the body. They are
- Urination (Mutra Vega)
- Defecation (Purisha Vega)
- Flatus/Gas (Vata Vega)
- Sneezing (Kshavathu Vega)
- Belching (Udgar Vega)
- Yawning (Jrumbha Vega)
- Vomiting (Chardi Vega)
- Tears (Ashru Vega)
- Semen/Ejaculation (Shukra Vega)
- Thirst (Trishna Vega)
- Hunger (Kshudha Vega)
- Sleep (Nidra Vega)
- Breathing after exertion (Shrama Vega)
- Urination (Mutra Vega):
- Suppression: Preventing or delaying urination.
- Diseases Caused: Pain in the bladder, urinary tract infections, difficulty urinating, and disorders of the kidneys or bladder.
- Defecation (Purisha Vega):
- Suppression: Delaying bowel movements.
- Diseases Caused: Constipation, bloating, abdominal pain, headache, loss of appetite, and rectal diseases like fissures or piles.
- Flatus (Vata Vega):
- Suppression: Holding in gas or flatulence.
- Diseases Caused: Abdominal distension, pain, bloating, indigestion, and discomfort in the lower abdomen.
- Sneezing (Kshavathu Vega):
- Suppression: Stopping the act of sneezing.
- Diseases Caused: Headaches, nasal congestion, throat disorders, facial paralysis, and dizziness.
- Belching (Udgara Vega):
- Suppression: Controlling the natural urge to belch after eating.
- Diseases Caused: Indigestion, chest pain, bloating, and discomfort in the stomach region.
- Yawning (Jrumbha Vega):
- Suppression: Preventing yawns when tired or sleepy.
- Diseases Caused: Weakness, facial paralysis, spasms in facial muscles, and discomfort in the jaw.
- Vomiting (Chardi Vega):
- Suppression: Suppressing the need to vomit when the body is trying to expel toxins.
- Diseases Caused: Nausea, skin diseases, loss of taste, indigestion, and heaviness in the body.
- Tears (Ashru Vega):
- Suppression: Holding back tears during emotional situations.
- Diseases Caused: Headache, eye disorders, psychological disturbances, heart-related issues, and emotional stress.
- Semen (Shukra Vega):
- Suppression: Preventing ejaculation during sexual activity or the natural release of semen.
- Diseases Caused: Pain in the genitals, difficulty in urination, weakness, sexual dysfunction, and discomfort in the reproductive organs.
- Thirst (Trishna Vega):
- Suppression: Ignoring the body’s need for water.
- Diseases Caused: Dehydration, dryness in the throat and mouth, fatigue, confusion, dizziness, and loss of strength.
- Hunger (Kshudha Vega):
- Suppression: Not eating when the body signals hunger.
- Diseases Caused: Weakness, indigestion, fatigue, body pain, and low energy.
- Sleep (Nidra Vega):
- Suppression: Forcing oneself to stay awake when the body is naturally inclined to sleep.
- Diseases Caused: Sleep disorders, headaches, stress, poor concentration, mental instability, and fatigue.
- Breathing after exertion (Shrama Vega):
- Suppression: Stopping heavy breathing after physical exertion.
- Diseases Caused: Breathlessness, fatigue, chest pain, and decreased vitality.
- Vega refers to urges.
- Adharaneeya or non- suppressible urges are 13 in number , suppressing which leads to aggrevation of doshas.
- Non-Suppressible Urges are vital for maintaining physical health and should never be restrained, as doing so can lead to illness.
- These urges must be consciously restrained to cultivate self-control, enhance emotional stability, and foster spiritual and social well-being.
- Therefore, Ayurveda emphasizes the balance of body, mind, and spirit by guiding the appropriate expression of non-suppressible urges for physical health and the conscious control of suppressible urges for mental peace, ethical living, and spiritual growth.